W czwartek, 2 września, wychodzi patch 1.0.5 do Tyrannisa.
Patch notes for Tyrannis 1.0.5
Deployed August 31, 2010
General Fixes
* Some players are experiencing a crash when starting the EVE client since Tyrannis 1.0.4. This has been corrected. Users with this issue will have to manually download the patch from www.eveonline.com and apply it as normal.
* When using an Alienware M17X laptop the client would crash while selecting a character. This has been fixed.
* A new command line switch has been added that will disable the lighting effects on Alienware machines that support it. It is “/nolightfx”.
TL;DR -> nic ważnego, czy ktoś tu w ogóle siedzi na sprzęcie Alienware?
DT ma być przedłużone o 30 minut, ale to jak zawsze loteria.