Autor Wątek: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009  (Przeczytany 6314 razy)

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Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« dnia: Czerwiec 12, 2009, 23:32:24 »
Napisalem na scrapheapie, jak ktos ma ochote wrzucic analogiczny watek do CAOD to tutaj link do listy sojuszy. Usuwam ze spisu wszystkie nfi, dunno itd.
To sie zupdejtuje wyniki pozniej :)
Acha, wszystkie nfi i ? usunalem, liczbe wpisow to liczba komentarzy. Mozna sobie porownac ilosc jak ktos ciekaw.

Najpierw polskie:

C0VEN - Big bad... poles?
C0VEN - Brosefs from the south
C0VEN - Fags
C0VEN - Live in stain/esoteria. Aligned with -A-. Polish alliance?
C0VEN - live way the fuck down south with stain
C0VEN - live way the fuck down south with stain. Decent pvp'ers. Like to bait with inties 
C0VEN - nice guys
C0VEN - no idea what they do
C0VEN - No idea.
C0VEN - own a constellation in esoteria...polacks?
C0VEN - Polish dudes in kahoots with SE, fought with them and against them, good guys.
C0VEN - Polish ex-stainers, right?
C0VEN - Polish stainwagon
C0VEN - polish, live in stain and are XB's pets
C0VEN - Stain?
C0VEN - stain++
C0VEN - StainWagon alliance, outnumbered but not outgunned?
C0VEN - stainwagon people
C0VEN - Wanks
C0VEN -Covrn
C0VEN- Pretty chill in 2008 when Atlas flew with Stainwagon. I imagine they're still pretty chill.
C0VEN- vaguely remember them
C0VEN: Nerds
C0VEN: Part of the Stain grouping. Impression I get is that they are 'ok'. Don't really see much of them in Providence. No idea how they would hold out without -A- holding their hand.
C0VEN: Polish allience allied with the Russians for some unknown reason. Lived/live in Stain doing NPC missions. Fair weather AAA allies.
C0VEN: Stainwagon

2. Bufu:
BeachBoys - Bob pets
BeachBoys - dunno
BeachBoys - GBC pets
BeachBoys - GBC, originally renters?
BeachBoys - GBC.
BeachBoys - GKC
BeachBoys - gkc
BeachBoys - GKC
BeachBoys - gkc?
BeachBoys - gkc? Smalltime member of gkc (why didn't KFC ever stick? )
BeachBoys - hmm dunno
BeachBoys - Homosexuals
BeachBoys - Ken pets, pretty terrible
BeachBoys - Kenny Allies?
BeachBoys - Kenzoku allies/pets, polish?
BeachBoys - Lifes a beach, eve isnt.
BeachBoys - Minor GBC alliance, still going.
BeachBoys - pick your allies better
BeachBoys - Small GBC group, mostly ex-FUCO IIRC.
BeachBoys - Who?
BeachBoys - Who?
BeachBoys- bob pets and ex alt corp.
BeachBoys Contender in the last Alliance tournament
BeachBoys- GKC
BeachBoys- Were SO Ain't BoB now BoB/Ken pets.
BeachBoys: BoB associates that are reasonably capable
BeachBoys: BoB pets that haven't died off yet
BeachBoys: Kenny pets who will die off within the next week, if they arn't already dead.
BeachBoys: Nerds

No i z centralowych:

3. CVA
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - Alive only because they own the shittest space ingame.
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - Amarr fags
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - Amarr followers and NRDs
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - Amarr loyalists
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - Amarr RPers, policing Providence NRDS
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - Amarr victOrs
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - Blobban, outpost buildan.
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - CVA, dear neighbors.
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - fun to shoot at
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - If CVA were a knight, it'd be called Sir Blobs-a-lot. I owe my ingame title to them.
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - leads of the providence power bloc
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - lolrp amarrfags, insanely fast formups of defense gangs for provi
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - Minmatard RP Fags
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - One of the old "big three" Amarr groups, these days a mostly normal 0.0 alliance (except that they're NRDS)
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - People we seem to raid when there are no kenny targets (which is often these days) because they fight. Didn't know much about them before this campaign other than the RP aspect but I must say I like them.
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - Probably held thier space longer than anyone else has held space for, good fights, dirty amarr.
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - Proviblob overlords, used to RP don't much anymore
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - providence holders, pretty good, but recruited too much trash in the past year or so. Old timers are too inactive.
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - Providence holders. Always fun to roam their space. I hope they don't lose providence
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - Providence role players
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - respect
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - Roleplayers who confound expectations by being pretty good at Eve
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - Seem to be decent PVP'ers fond of total overkill on response gangs  Much <3 to their giant blobs that have chased me out of Prov many times. Would be interesting to get a contract against them rather than their pets so they can't just whore onto killmails though to see what they're really made of.
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - The Provibloc lords and masters, traditional RP enemy of UK, but highly respected by most.
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - well-meaning, but the RP stuff grates at times.
Curatores Veritatis Alliance- Imperial viceroys of Providence! Been around since forever.
Curatores Veritatis Alliance Providence holders. NRDS policy, so free ratting in prov.
Curatores Veritatis Alliance- RP alliance i bet they are furries aswell
Curatores Veritatis Alliance- RP'ers with a fear of killboards
Curatores Veritatis Alliance: Amarr RPers who blob the shit out of Provi, good fights.
Curatores Veritatis Alliance: Amarr RPers who like to blob 
Curatores Veritatis Alliance: However, these guys ARE worthy of the title. Role players. Hold worthless territoriality but have built it up to near empire level of stations. Only true neuts in 0.0, respected by pretty much everyone.
Curatores Veritatis Alliance: Nerds

4. TRI
Triumvirate. - Another phoenix. They fight for some time, then they collapse again and pop up after some time.
Triumvirate. - awesome enimies
Triumvirate. - Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains!
Triumvirate. - competent PvPers on a good day, their own worst enemy on a bad one.
Triumvirate. - decent but also a lot of retards
Triumvirate. - eve equivalent of a floater
Triumvirate. - Fags
Triumvirate. - Gone through several incarnations, currently up north attacking the NC.
Triumvirate. - good bunch of pew, Doom and Cora great are whats left of g00dnoobs and BoB rejects 
Triumvirate. - Good pvp'ers but should have tried something new
Triumvirate. - have a fullstop? Nooo
Triumvirate. - I need to see their changelog to answer this one
Triumvirate. - If at first you fail, fail fail fail again.
Triumvirate. - Insane people. I don't mean that as a compliment, I mean really mental, because they keep doing the same things over and over again and expect different results each time. We sort of have a pool on how much time it'll be until force Z implodes again
Triumvirate. - Like to invade other folks space for the pew-pew. Don't so much like POS stuff.
Triumvirate. - Mk3 or Mk4 now?
Triumvirate. - more incarnations than windows. enjoyed my time in the first and best version.
Triumvirate. - northern fly
Triumvirate. - Not as big as they were I guess.
Triumvirate. - Nuclear Power, waiting for meltdown #3
Triumvirate. - Really should have given up the first time they fail cascaded.
Triumvirate. - the anti-nc
Triumvirate. - the original nanos, countdown to meltdown 632h, 14m, 28s...
Triumvirate. - V. 3 or 4? have been givin NC some headaches
Triumvirate. - Wanks
Triumvirate. Back together?
Triumvirate.- IT HAS A DOT! should have stayed dead, 1B for a new name would have saved hassle
Triumvirate.- third time lucky? lol prolly not. pvp till burnout in 3.2....Stopped posting to up the coll.
Triumvirate. WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit*
Triumvirate.- What is dead can never die! It just sort of falls to bits every now and then. But then it returns! Seem to have a symbiotic relationship with White Noise.
Triumvirate.: Nerds
Triumvirate.: Seem to have had great success vs Iron. They are great when its going well but dont seem so solid when the going gets tough. Maybe they have sorted that now.
Triumvirate.: They're actually p. chill now that they've stopped posting, looking froward to seeing what they do next

5. Goonswarm
GoonSwarm - Awful, awful people.
GoonSwarm - Blobs, t1 ships and spies
GoonSwarm - Complete & utter faggots, they can all DIAGC
GoonSwarm - Eve's worst alliance
GoonSwarm - Fags led by a 500-pound RMTer
GoonSwarm - Goons with proper ships.
GoonSwarm - how do you describe these people other than I frequently feel like I need aspirin after dealing with them?
GoonSwarm - i <3 birds with arms
GoonSwarm - I love bees. Own querious/delve. Love to post. Went from rifters to revelations
GoonSwarm - Love Mittani's post
GoonSwarm - Mittani + large group of pissed off players
GoonSwarm - MoonSwarm
GoonSwarm - never heard of 'em
GoonSwarm - omg beeeez killer beeeez
GoonSwarm - SA brosefs, always entertaining.
GoonSwarm - Something Awful bee pilots, upgraded to Apocs from their frigs. Waiting for their Carrier Swarms
GoonSwarm - Something awful.
GoonSwarm - Um... does anyone not know who they are?  They have some guys that really know what they're doing but for the most part they're primarily a blob machine.
GoonSwarm - Very large alliance, currently involved with the NC in attacking Kenny. Bit of a reputation for trolling.
GoonSwarm - Wanks
GoonSwarm - WE RLY DONT TAEK GAME SRSLY HONEST U GUYZ *metas as much as everyone else*. Reporting their shitposts on eve-o is a favourite hobby of mine.
GoonSwarm - Well, Kill them all.
GoonSwarm - who?
GoonSwarm- Kids with toys, I pray for the day goons and pl and neut
GoonSwarm lolgoonswarm. From the something awful forum
GoonSwarm- More vulgar than, but otherwise similar to BoB.
GoonSwarm- Trolls, Emo bitches, dick heads and the best thing that happened to eve since titans.
GoonSwarm: A man who needs no introduction. Best alliance in the game. Also the worst. in EVERY way.
GoonSwarm: Love/Hate feeling towards Goons tbh. They have great leaders and amazing logistical prowess - what they did in POS spamming Delve was awesome in the extreme. Got great respect for Darius Johnson after meeting him at CSM and Mittani should be a professional writer tbh. A lot of the other 'creative' stuff they do (i.e. Little Bee) has also enriched the game. However I simply don't appreciate all the forum spamming and some of the juvenile humour (particularly the jew/faggot stuff) really turns me off. Maybe I am too old to get it!
GoonSwarm: Nerds
GoonSwarm: SA, some of them are p. chill but the rest are faggots

6. MM
Morsus Mihi - brosefs
Morsus Mihi - Don't know what they're doing.
Morsus Mihi - Good guys
Morsus Mihi - good guys
Morsus Mihi - have alot of supercaps, NC and pretty decent.
Morsus Mihi - how in god's name do we lose so many exhumers to tri roaming fags? I mean you think they'd learn after the first 5-10 beatings. Oh well good for our corp because of hulk BPO
Morsus Mihi - Long time member of the NC. Solid alliance.
Morsus Mihi - Major NC partners, Imperian is dreamy.
Morsus Mihi - More roleplayer fags
Morsus Mihi - NC
Morsus Mihi - NC
Morsus Mihi - NC blob maestros
Morsus Mihi - NC Napfags
Morsus Mihi - NC, used to have Orree in it.
Morsus Mihi - Northern Coalition alliance
Morsus Mihi - One of the main NC allinces and has a lot of titans.
Morsus Mihi - One of the three old northern alliances still standing (Along with RAZOR and IRON). Taste bad.
Morsus Mihi - our esteemed northern brothers, terrible, 2nd only to us at losing motherships stupidly
Morsus Mihi - pretty terrible, on the decline
Morsus Mihi - RPers
Morsus Mihi - RPers. Surprisingly good PVP'ers.
Morsus Mihi - seems every time I open the map I see a new outpost in Tribute.
Morsus Mihi - Somehow still alive. Amazing.
Morsus Mihi - Super power of the north
Morsus Mihi- Are they role players or not? I NEED TO KNOW.
Morsus Mihi- Huge hypocrites and even more arrogant than bob ever was. Have become what they hated without realizing it.
Morsus Mihi- NC A Team
Morsus Mihi: NC version of CVA. Membership seems to be quite divided on the benefits of continued support of Goon cause in Querious
Morsus Mihi: Nerds
Morsus Mihi: Powerhouse of the north. Longtime BoB foes. Very good FC's.
Morsus Mihi: RPers.

7. Atlas
Atlas Alliance - Alliance number 12939393 to experience the dizzying highs of sucess. Will experience heavy defeats at some point soon, all the freeloaders will jump ship, alliance will die. Freeloaders move on. Rinse/repeat.
Atlas Alliance - Apparently doing well in the southeast. Originally from the drone regions?
Atlas Alliance - Been hearing about them. Involved in a war or something.
Atlas Alliance - Been ups and downs for a long time. Currently growing at an alarming rate. Owns omist and are pushing in to detorid
Atlas Alliance - Bobby etc
Atlas Alliance - Bobby is not doin too bad, we´ll see how this pans out.
Atlas Alliance - Bobby's Napoleonic capital horde
Atlas Alliance - Booby atlats
Atlas Alliance - cap blobbers, everyone in corp bitches about their TS
Atlas Alliance - Cool brosefs we work with sometimes.
Atlas Alliance - developing power in the southeast, good luck to them.
Atlas Alliance - FIX v2 with some terrible smashkill thrown, reminds me of LV too
Atlas Alliance - heard stories of failscades and was TRI anal buddies at the end of MAX.
Atlas Alliance - How they ever grew as big as they seem to be now is beyond me. Last regular contact we had with them they were Tri pets living in vale and were considered to be a joke.
Atlas Alliance - Its the new Bruce
Atlas Alliance - live in omist, are loosely allied with the kenny powerbloc
Atlas Alliance - NC I think
Atlas Alliance - New power in the Southeast, grown massively recently. This may not be a good idea.
Atlas Alliance - Rapidly growing alliance currently expanding in the south east
Atlas Alliance - still not dead
Atlas Alliance - still not dead. Surprisingly growing and gaining power in the south? They used to suck but jury's out on whether they've turned it around. Enjoyed kicking their fleets around far too much in the past to count their current success as anything but 'the real powers are busy elsewhere.'
Atlas Alliance - used to be shit, not anymore
Atlas Alliance - Wanks
Atlas Alliance - Who?
Atlas Alliance- Bobby be playing the power game good now he is let lose.
Atlas Alliance- Bobby still there? Only knew them in Drone land
Atlas Alliance- The retarded monkey legion of New Eden. Worst support fleet in EVE, somehow accumulated a cap fleet. This observer suspects said capitals are in fact dressed up Iterons.
Atlas Alliance: Another alliance that roams through Provi from time to time and gives good fights. Less tricksy than -A- and seem to enjoy more straight up fights.
Atlas Alliance: Nerds
Atlas Alliance: Somehow recruited half of the GBC and various other failures, pretty large now. PL v2
Atlas Alliance: US timezone allience with a charismatic leader and lots of previous fail in their history. Big winners in the 2nd Great war. Large cap fleet.

Kogos jeszcze dodac? Discuss :P
« Ostatnia zmiana: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 09:42:34 wysłana przez Voulture »


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Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Czerwiec 12, 2009, 23:50:31 »
SHC jest mało reprezentatywne bo to forum w którym ~~elite pvpers~~ głaskają się po penisach, długi czas zdominowane przez miłośników kenzoku ale każdy kto uwielbia wywijać swoim K:D ratio ma tam jak u siebie w domu. Krótko mówiąc SHC reprezentuje sobą to co goonswarm zwalcza  ::)


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Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 00:03:08 »
Czyli duskusję na poziomie?;)


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Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 01:12:13 »
Reprezentatywne jest forum goonswarmu? czu CAOD? Podaj prosze ktore twoim zdaniem forum jest reprezentatywne chcetnie poczytam :)


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Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 03:06:14 »
Nie ma czegoś takiego jak reprezentatywne forum EVE niestety, zwracam tylko uwagę że wszelkie komentarze z SHC będą zawsze bardziej pro-kenzoku i pro-~~elite pvp~~ i anty-goon.


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  • Wiadomości: 1 286
  • Pirate Out of Nowhere
    • Zobacz profil
  • Imię postaci: Col Cherryman
  • Korporacja: V O O D O O
  • Sojusz: KUTANG KLAN.
Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 06:24:15 »
czemu w tym zestawieniu Voultura znalazl sie Scalar ? :)
✜ Red Cross Friendly
Even though I fly through the valley of the shadow of death or any other space
I will fear no evil, because I know that I'm the biggest bastard in this space


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Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 07:12:18 »
Bo na centrali są jego przedstawiciele (Czytaj wy :P )

W bitwie nie liczy się ten kto ma pierwsze słowo. Liczy się ten kto ma ostatnie.


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  • Wiadomości: 1 286
  • Pirate Out of Nowhere
    • Zobacz profil
  • Imię postaci: Col Cherryman
  • Korporacja: V O O D O O
  • Sojusz: KUTANG KLAN.
Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 07:59:26 »
przy tej okazji poprosze o update, vu-du nie lata juz na smyczy Scalara
« Ostatnia zmiana: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 08:06:52 wysłana przez Colonel »
✜ Red Cross Friendly
Even though I fly through the valley of the shadow of death or any other space
I will fear no evil, because I know that I'm the biggest bastard in this space


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Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 08:32:23 »
Nie ma czegoś takiego jak reprezentatywne forum EVE niestety, zwracam tylko uwagę że wszelkie komentarze z SHC będą zawsze bardziej pro-kenzoku i pro-~~elite pvp~~ i anty-goon.
a mi sie zawsze wydawalo ze jest na odwrot, biorac pod uwage ze wiekszosc modow jest z PL/GS ...


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Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #9 dnia: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 09:18:20 »
Kebab jestes gupi gupek gupkowaty  :uglystupid2: Skoro tam pisza cokolwiek o nas dobrego to znaczy ze nie sa to modowie z PL/GS... oni musza byc PRO GBC bo tak... i koniec tematu :D


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Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #10 dnia: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 09:25:24 »
No, ma racje. Wiekszosc modow to pl /goonsy/ tri /outbreak i e z tych korpow. Przyklad posta pro kenzoku :D

Against ALL Authorities - Not actually against ALL authorities
Aggression. - Surprisingly aggressive
Atlas Alliance - Alliance number 12939393 to experience the dizzying highs of sucess. Will experience heavy defeats at some point soon, all the freeloaders will jump ship, alliance will die. Freeloaders move on. Rinse/repeat.
BeachBoys - Homosexuals
C0VEN -Covrn
Cartel Syndicate -Rpers.
Circle-Of-Two - shields breached
Coded Arms Alliance - Arch enemies of Bletchley Park
Cold Steel Alliance - Whats wrong with warm steel?
Curatores Veritatis Alliance - Alive only because they own the shittest space ingame.
Dark Taboo - Erm, Dark?
DEFI4NT - Not Defient, clearly.
Drunk and Stoned - Wifebeaters
Ethereal Dawn - Ethereal Dusk
Ev0ke - D2
Executive Outcomes - Your Fired.
Flame Bridge - Fails to build anything, ever.
Frontal Impact - Really afraid of brick walls
GoonSwarm - Awful, awful people.
Guardian Federation - Dislikes Alpha.
Hellstrome Alliance - mis-spelled.
HUN Reloaded - Won something boring a while ago.
Imperial Republic Of the North - I love them, but their so shit 
Initiative Associates - Associates of Initative
Intrepid Crossing - Crossing the Intrepid, constantly.
KIA Alliance- lolkia, der.
Kraftwerk. Germans.
Legion of xXDEATHXx - xXxxxXx
Legiunea ROmana - Romans. Will fail.
Libertas Fidelitas - Fiddiles kids.
Majesta Empire - Not actually a empire
Morsus Mihi - Somehow still alive. Amazing.
Mostly Harmless - Actually true.
Pandemic Legion - Sell outs.
Paxton Federation - huggles CVA every night, but never gets much loving.
RAZOR Alliance. need to make Gillette Fusions again. Would sell my soul for a BPO.
Rebellion Alliance - Star wars rip-off that wont do as well. Expecting fail.
Red Alliance - Showing a lot of pink lately. Used to be good, now shit, like everyone else.
RED.OverLord - Splinter 103294389 of Red Alliance. Not actually interesting in the slightest
Sc0rched Earth - Retards who named their alliance after some planet which doesnt exisit.
Scalar Federation - lol... Federation
Sev3rance - b3caus3 thr33s 3v3rywh3r3 is th3 b3st.
Shadow of xXDEATHXx - Someone had a spare 1 billion.
Slammer's Republic - Slumer's Republic
Sons of Tangra - Tangra was a dirty, dirty man.
Stain Empire - Left a stain on the sofa, came back, refused to clean it up, pissed on sofa and sat down.
Stainless. Keeps sofa nice and clean. Stain Empire defeated by Mr Muscle.
Stella Polaris. Stella is awesome.
Sylph Alliance - Actually gets sex from CVA.
Systematic-Chaos - - - - - - - - - - - -
T o r m e n t u m - f u c k i n g f a i l t b f h
Tau Ceti Federation - You know, we really need a moving van. Hire costs are becoming insane.
The Council. of Beavers.
The Initiative. Doesnt take any Initiative. Not even slightly.
Triumvirate. WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit*
Ultima Rati0 - Ratios are for circles. Even circle of 2 ignored them. Fail.
Ushra'Khan - Died ages ago. Now run solely by Butter Dogs rants.
Veritas Immortalis - Actually immortal!
Wildly Inappropriate. Humps RAZER nightly, and takes photos
Zenith Affinity - how are these people not dead. I mean seriously. Everyone else in the entire game FAILS becasuse these people are not dead. Seriously, go home. you ALL FUCKING SUCK.

Zrobilem update.


  • Użyszkodnik
  • Wiadomości: 1 123
  • It looks just like a Telefunken U 47
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  • Imię postaci: Khobba Gelos
  • Korporacja: V O O D O O
  • Sojusz: Aegis Cartel
Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #11 dnia: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 09:45:26 »
Pany, może zróbmy sobie osobny topic o jakości forów dyskusyjnych, a tu rozmawiajmy jednak o opiniach o sojuszach, co?  O0


  • Użyszkodnik
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 1 286
  • Pirate Out of Nowhere
    • Zobacz profil
  • Imię postaci: Col Cherryman
  • Korporacja: V O O D O O
  • Sojusz: KUTANG KLAN.
Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #12 dnia: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 10:33:38 »
a przy okazji aliansow...znacie ktorys gdzie nie ma kerbiryzmu? gdzie Piloci trudnia sie tylko bandytyzmem, moze ktos jest w takim sojuszu...pewnie jest niewielki...o ile jest wogole
✜ Red Cross Friendly
Even though I fly through the valley of the shadow of death or any other space
I will fear no evil, because I know that I'm the biggest bastard in this space


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Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #13 dnia: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 10:52:48 »
Kebab jestes gupi gupek gupkowaty  :uglystupid2: Skoro tam pisza cokolwiek o nas dobrego to znaczy ze nie sa to modowie z PL/GS... oni musza byc PRO GBC bo tak... i koniec tematu :D
przeciez napisalem ze jest na odwrot imo ;d


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Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #14 dnia: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 10:55:22 »
learn2irony kebab :P


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Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #15 dnia: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 11:34:48 »
Czy SCH jest pro ken czy nie pozostaje malo waznym. Watek Wulczura pokazuje ze C0ven jest jednak znany - ignoranci do budy skoro jestescie ignorantami ;d.

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Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #16 dnia: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 12:04:00 »
Rozumowanie Bruca. Skoro piszą źle o Goonswarmie to forum jest niereprezentatywne. Skoro w EvE mało kto lubi goonsów -> gracze eve są niereprezentatywni. Stąd jedyna reprezentatywna ankieta -> forum gs. ż


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Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #17 dnia: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 12:20:26 »
Tak, takie właśnie mam rozumowanie i nie inne  :2funny:, bardzo zależy mi na tym co o Moim Ukochanym Sojuszu myślą posterzy z byłego BoB/MC SHC :2funny:


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Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #18 dnia: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 14:22:49 »
1. i 2. pkt regulaminu. Dostosuj się, następnym razem będzie ostrzeżenie, co z Twoją ilością puntów moze sie nienajlepiej skończyć.
Serdeczne pozdrowienia, Khobba
« Ostatnia zmiana: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 14:50:15 wysłana przez Khobba »


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Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #19 dnia: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 15:06:12 »
Co jak co opinia o Tri jest widze wszedzie taka sama, w koncu nic dodac nic ujac :

Triumvirate. WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit*

 :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:


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Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #20 dnia: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 15:10:06 »
Rozumowanie Bruca. Skoro piszą źle o Goonswarmie to forum jest niereprezentatywne. Skoro w EvE mało kto lubi goonsów -> gracze eve są niereprezentatywni. Stąd jedyna reprezentatywna ankieta -> forum gs. ż

takie samo wrażenie mam, a tak w ogóle SHC nazywać pro-kenzoku to z deka beka.


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Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #21 dnia: Czerwiec 13, 2009, 15:19:45 »
Co jak co opinia o Tri jest widze wszedzie taka sama, w koncu nic dodac nic ujac :

Triumvirate. WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit* WE ARE AWESOME *emo rage quit*

 :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

Znajdzie się pare "kfiatków".

Ten ostatni o KenZoku jest całkiem trafiony ^^.
O SHC można mówić co się chce (czyli zazwyczaj brednie) ale ludzie tam siedzący mają zdrooowo narąbane pod sufitem - i chwała im za to :-)

A z topicu Voulta podoba mi się błyskawiczna reakcja, że topic padnie etc. (mistrzowski FailTrain :D) ... i proszę - temat sam się jakoś rozkręcił ^_^


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Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #22 dnia: Czerwiec 14, 2009, 20:45:22 »

6. MM
Morsus Mihi - More roleplayer fags
Morsus Mihi - RPers
Morsus Mihi - RPers. Surprisingly good PVP'ers.
Morsus Mihi- Are they role players or not? I NEED TO KNOW.
Morsus Mihi: RPers.

To sie zgadza. "Rolplejujemy" gejowski alliance. :)


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Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #23 dnia: Czerwiec 14, 2009, 20:46:50 »
ej to sie skads wzielo, nie masz pomyslu skad?


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Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #24 dnia: Czerwiec 14, 2009, 22:03:17 »
Jedno z najstarszych meme eve... to jak jak "my raven was ecquipped with following". Dziwne, ze ludzie to jeszcze pamietaja :P
Kiedys dawno temu zartowali z nich sobie nawet w eve tv z tego co pamietam, poszukaj sobie jak cie to ciekawi.
« Ostatnia zmiana: Czerwiec 14, 2009, 22:09:15 wysłana przez Voulture »

Deaell Portt

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  • Wiadomości: 475
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  • Imię postaci: Deaell Portt
  • Korporacja: Pandemic Horde Inc.
  • Sojusz: Pandemic Horde
Odp: Co ludzie mysla o sojuszach - edycja 2009
« Odpowiedź #25 dnia: Czerwiec 15, 2009, 01:43:48 »
Morsus Mihi zalozyli trekowcy (milosnicy filmow, seriali  Star Trek). Kilka lat wstecz na Turnieju, ktos cos przekrecil i powiedzial, ze oni RPGuja jak CVA, Ushra Kan. MM mieli z tego ubaw i nie zaprzeczali i tak do nich ta latka przylgnela. Jest na Eve tv filmik z ktoregos fanfestu jak na panelu o aliancach gostek z MM sie z tego nabija i opowiada jak to do nich przylgnelo.
I ain't like you!
And I don't want your love.
And I don't need your respect.
I just can't hate enough

If you don't like it you can suck my dick