Autor Wątek: Wywiad z forum OSS  (Przeczytany 17438 razy)

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Wywiad z forum OSS
« dnia: Kwiecień 07, 2006, 11:31:54 »
2006.04.06 15:54
Today will mark the first day in a concerted effort to rid ourselves of one or more of these retarded alliances
that are now "formally contesting" our control of lower Syndicate in the political map thread on Eve-O.

This plan has several components.

1) All low-sec piracy from GoonFleet needs to stop and those pilots need to come help us rid us of actual threats, rather than shooting retarded miners in Ospreys and Dominixes. Empire Mafia have undeclared from Duragon, so that conflict is over. Hanging out on theperiphery of Syndicate and shotting web might be fun, but we have bigger fish to fry in the next few weeks.

2) Our forward base of operations for fleet actions is going to be moved to M2-, where lots of GA and Supremacy have been getting easy ganks of late. The first step will be to camp this area with bubbles and interdictors and superior forces, to the point where they simply stop trying to hang out there. ODN has stocked the M2- station with reserve ships and modules. Our first priority is to bleed out that stockpile until they are forced back to their holes in Harroule, Reblier or Solitude. Sesfan, Skages, Michael Nester, Tarnish and other fleet commanders should begin leading sorties and setting up gatecamps across the VV- and 97X
gates in M2- ASAP.

3) From M2-, we are 3 or less jumps away from each major lower Syndicate exit: 6-C, MHC and Y9G. We will attempt to break up any of the Axis of Faggotry gatecamps in the area, repeatedly. Our job is to make it so that when GoonFleet is online, there is no such thing as an "easy gank" around these gates. Our enemies have gotten used to us being isolationist; it is time to be expansionist instead. Of particular interest will be stopping all enemies from mining in Y9G/UTKS or running the UTKS complex.

4) Two directors have now been assigned to run the UTKS complex every single night. They will first find other directors online who have done the complex, and then perhaps invite several newbies or other players along for some virtual free money. The old system of volunteerism was not working and the Axis of Faggotry was getting rich off of the proceeds of the 10/10. If anyone is available to run the complex post-downtime on a daily basis, I would like for them to send me a private message. People with battleships and assault frigates are preferred.

5) Our goal here is clear: make Syndicate unprofitable and unfun for NBSI, Galactic Aurora and Black Reign Syndicate. NBSI were already broken in half by the [5]'s relentless assault up north, now it is our turn to finish the job. Black Reign Syndicate are idiotic counterstrik players who pretend to be l334 awesome Eve gamers, but in reality only know how to snipe with battleships. We will drive them from their home just like we drove Cruel Intentions away. Galactic Aurora are French.

It is our time now, pilots. It is time to take the trash out of Syndicate and kick it to the fucking curb.
Jak masz się tu kogoś bać, to mnie...
buahahaha <- demoniczny śmiech

Tomash Kovahlsky

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Wywiad z forum OSS
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Kwiecień 07, 2006, 11:57:38 »
No coz... trzeba troche wiecej zapasow porobic :P


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Wywiad z forum OSS
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: Kwiecień 07, 2006, 12:22:54 »
Zamierzam Wam pomóc w walce z g?skami... o ile wiem kilku kolegów z SHCK równie? si? do tego przymierza. Z kim mam si? kontaktowa? ingame celem koordynacji ?

Zamierzam u?ywa? SB - Nemesis
Brak sygnatury w ramach protestu przed czepiaczami...


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Wywiad z forum OSS
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: Kwiecień 07, 2006, 12:36:19 »
Od strony SUPREMACY beda ta Danny Hawk, Stu Ward. Ja jestem zbyt rzadko online zeby tu pomoc.
Jak masz się tu kogoś bać, to mnie...
buahahaha <- demoniczny śmiech


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Wywiad z forum OSS
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: Kwiecień 07, 2006, 13:12:25 »
BAS-3 kontaktowo to Amon Rudh i Szczutek
a w sojuszu to chyba WHOSYADADDY z Clankillersów :)


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Wywiad z forum OSS
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: Kwiecień 07, 2006, 13:13:35 »
Kurna sam bym si? skusi?, bo kurcze ju? mnie irytuj? :)... cho? siedze w catch... to jest corp czy alliance, tak si? pytam i czemu tacy bojowi s??


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Wywiad z forum OSS
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: Kwiecień 07, 2006, 13:18:02 »
Heh, tacy s? bojowi bo maj? ton? zergów po swojej stronie :)
Wcze?niej si? jako? do bitki nie pchali tak :)


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Wywiad z forum OSS
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: Kwiecień 07, 2006, 13:26:11 »
wida? ?e Xarth na Forum siedzi bo wszedzie weso?o koperty mrugaj? :wink:  :lol:  :wink:  :lol:  :wink:  :lol:  Mnie te? sie z zergami koja??:P w sumie to jest ich razam ponad 1600 wiec nie?le:P ciekawe ile z tego active


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Wywiad z forum OSS
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: Kwiecień 07, 2006, 14:27:19 »
To trzeba zrobi?, WE STAND UNITED, bo inaczej zaleje nas tania masa produktów g?si..


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Wywiad z forum OSS
« Odpowiedź #9 dnia: Kwiecień 07, 2006, 14:29:16 »
Hmm... a mo?e napisa? petycj? do CCP o BPO na pociski z ptasi? gryp??
 :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:


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Re: Wywiad z forum OSS
« Odpowiedź #10 dnia: Kwiecień 07, 2006, 17:04:29 »
Cytat: "Hastrabull"
Our first priority is to bleed out that stockpile until they are forced back to their holes in Harroule, Reblier or Solitude.

?e niby gdzie?


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Wywiad z forum OSS
« Odpowiedź #11 dnia: Kwiecień 08, 2006, 13:19:49 »
Jak tylko poradze sobie z kodekami to poka?e Wam jak g?si "wyganiaj?" nas z Syndicate.

Oj dzieje si? w syndicate. Mój Heavy Nos wyczywa niez?? zabaw? i du?o pieczenia. Przez ostatni miesi?c pozna?em tylu ludzi, nauczy?em si? tak wiele, s?ysa?em rozmów na TSach/Vencie, ?e g?owa boli. A wszystko idzie w parze z killmailami... w ko?cu czuj? ?e z nooba wyrastam :]