
Eve Online => Patche i dodatki => Wątek zaczęty przez: misao w Luty 16, 2009, 14:57:01

Tytuł: extended DT 18th Feb
Wiadomość wysłana przez: misao w Luty 16, 2009, 14:57:01
On Wednesday, 18th February, there will be an six hour downtime on Tranquility for database hardware upgrades starting at 06:00 GMT and lasting until 12:00 GMT. Specifically, we will be putting the finishing touches on our new 2TB RamSan 500, which has joined our existing two RamSan 400 powering the EVE database cluster.

18 Lutego odbedzie sie 6 godzinne DTw celu upgradu Hardware bazy danych. set long skill