Autor Wątek: Delve War III  (Przeczytany 75921 razy)

0 użytkowników i 1 Gość przegląda ten wątek.


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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #350 dnia: Styczeń 28, 2010, 10:37:56 »
Cytat: Manfred Sideous link=SHC
Dearest Filthy Killers;

I just awoke from some sleep after what has been one of the most amazing days of Eve I have ever experienced. It all begun on monday when our Titans and Supercarriers warped boldy onto the field in D-G to take down the jammer. What proceeded to happen over the next 30 hours was pure chaos and ecstasy in motion.


Mon 25

19:00 -19:10 Titans & Supercarriers take down D-G jammer

19:10 -21:00 Friendly forces bridged into D-G from multiple titans. During this time multiple skirmishes and pos bowling happened in D-G. Hostiles will to fight was destroyed.

21:00 - 22:00 Several hostile POS destroyed in system.

22:00 -23:00 D-G Station placed into 2nd RF with no opposition.

23:00 - 23:59 WD-VTV hostile I-HUB and TCU destroyed with no opposition. We then went to 9KOE and killed a hostile tower that had just exited reinforce.

Tues 26

00:00 - 03:30 Small skirmishes by roaming gangs in and around D-G. I was watching system and had been stalking a few carriers as they began to rep POS modules. I DD'd one thanatos and killed it and called for light support to come assist in bumping the other back out of the pos as several titans were logging in for some fun.

Pesky Supercarriers wanted some action as well and Provi-Blob had a nice BC camp all in a nice little ball on the F9E gate in a bubble. So with carriers on standby in GE and scouts reporting all clear. I unleashed 3 Supercarriers to go eat the BC gang. As they landed they started smartbombing claiming 20+ kills in under 20 seconds. Provi-Blob sensing blood called for backup and then the fight was on. Our supercarriers were bubbled well but tanking fine killing hostiles at a rate of 2-3 per minute. Then word was recieved that Goonswarm was moving a 50 man BC gang in this direction. I issued the order for supercarriers to leave the field but they were very tackled by HIC's and dictors.

Knowing that situation could turn into a problem very quickly a warpin was setup and 4 titans came in and DD'd hictors to free our supercarriers. Boom Hictors down I told supercarriers to warp and as I did a bubble was dropped on Lordmordred's Wyvern as the other 2 escaped. Mordred was calm and insured that his tank and cap was holding fine but Phreeze had just entered D-G local. Goons jumped and started pounding our now lone single supercarrier. So I warped my rapier in ontop of Mordred and lit a cyno bringing about 8 carriers in to help spider tank and clear more tackles.

Within 5 minutes the carriers and supercarriers were able to loose the Wyvern and it broke free into warp. At this point I had been podded and decided to go get my carriers as 10 more carriers were also ready to jump into the fight. Virtuozzo lit a cyno and in we poured with more carriers warping instantly to the field. One of our carriers a thanatos piloted by Therik was primaried and even though being spider tanked by 7 other carriers had fallen to 40% armor. As the new carriers joined the field we stabilized our spider tank. But local was now almost 300 with almost 200 being hostile.

What proceeded next was amazing. Here we were 20 tackled carriers fighting 200 hostiles. We aligned to the planet where our POS was and started to take down targets. No matter how many we killed it seemed more appeared. Sometime during this bloodbath a friendly pulse Zealot made it onto the field which the carriers made sure to keep alive. For the next 20 minutes we butchered the hostile force. The field now littered with wrecks and almost all hostile dictors and hictors dead our senses told us that we should take our leave and warp out to the POS while we could.

Sure enough not but a moment or 2 later after our carriers left the field hostile capitals warped in. At this point all hostile dictors had been killed and the collecting swarm of titans had grown jealous of our fun and shenanigans. Virtuozzo made a warpin targets were assigned carriers and supercarriers aligned in case we needed to bail out our boomsticks. Whoosh 5 titans warped to a spot far off the F9E gate. DD fired was repeated by all of the titans followed by warping out by all as well. We giggled and took some relief after what had been a 4 hour running battle.

185 killed for 4 losses (6 capitals killed). GO US TZ!!!

04:00 - 11:00

After taking carriers back to GE and relaxing what seemed to only be a few seconds a "Source" contacted me and was very excited. " Goons just lost SOV everywhere" he said. At first I was shocked and figured it to be a troll he had bit on. Insistently he proclaimed " Sov is down GOONS are SHITTING themselves" . I ordered up a few scouts to burn over to Querious and verify this was true.

"OMG GOONS HAVE NO SOV TCU AND IHUBS ARE ANCHORED" scouts reported. I quickly started yelling on comms and chats alerting as many people as I could. Pinging jabber " Goons Sov is down get in FLEET". Ships were swapped to BS > FSI > Dictors as I scrambled to assemble the fleet and move it to 4-07. As this was going on I was locating TCU's and preparing to go in and start taking out TCU's. I contacted SysK as well as getting on IT teamspeak and going from channel to channel waking them up and instructing them to get there alliance awake and in fleet. All the while im nudging people on MSN and pinging away at jabber.

We moved to H74 and took down the TCU and started to online one of our own. After that we raced all over Querious killing TCU's and getting dropped on by 40 Goon carriers that were hellbent on stopping us. We would get a TCU into deep armor and then Goons would drop a carrier blob on us and we would have to withdraw for lack of numbers. By this time IT and SysK were getting fleets up and moving. Only 2 problems SysK's fleet was small and underpowered and IT's fleet was being blockaded in 1-SMEB by a 150+ Goon fleet. All of us were speaking and we all decided to press on as this opportunity was to great to give up on. AAA would continue to run around and inflict as much damage while SysK moved on T-PAR. IT continued to battle Goons and keep them fixated on trying to stop IT from reaching NOL.

I swear ive tried to remember the exact order of where we went and which TCU's were killed but it escapes me. I was tired as hell and running on pure adrenaline. But we made progress Goons would hotdrop and we would bail to another system and continue pounding TCU's I was in multiple convos getting TCU's sorted and freighters moving to acquire IHUB's. All the while orchestrating moving new gangmembers and ammo resupplies in from various points.

Finally someone got Molle out of bed and he answered my MSN. Next thing I know he was in game and working to build numbers. Liam from SysK had a harder time of getting adequate numbers and to make matters worse ZAF was blockading TCAG with a medium sized gang and carriers. He eventually was able to break the camp and get to TPAR but it cost his ships and precious time. Omg was time prescious because everywhere were little timers of onligning TCU's that Goonswarm scrambled to get back up and online. To make matters worse some of the TCU's we killed had been replaced by new ones but they were anchoring at POS's. At one point we reshipped many people into Logistics so that we could deal with killing TCU's at hostile POS's

Molle Liam and I were constantly speaking with eachother in a groupchat with other FC's scouts and " Intel Sources" collecting and reporting hostile movements size and etc. We had decided that the Primary targets overall had to be J-LP and NOL-M9 the former being Goons capital staging point and the latter being there subcapital staging point and main market hub. Terciary to this was I1Y and H74 for AAA ( logistical points for Querious Delve Period Basis ) and TPAR for SysK to facilitate attacks and staging. Liam was now in TPAR but Molle was still blocked but his numbers were growing.

I dropped what we were doing and moved our fleet to J-LP and started working on the TCU to only be dropped by Goons Carrier blob. We managed to kill the cyno but the AAA fleet was only about 90 strong at that point. We withdrew next door to F-T and killed the TCU there. Scouts reported that Goons carrier blob had left J-L and it was now mostly clear. It should be noted that Goons were basically moving a carrier blob all over there space attacking SysK IT and AAA to try to stave our attacks. Unfortunately for them we understood the tactic and decided that we had 3 fronts and they could only stop progess in 1 of the 3 at a time.

With the F-T TCU down we moved back into J-L and shot the TCU. As the TCU got to about 25% Armor a new cyno was lit at a POS in line with planet 9. I issued orders for dictors to move 90km in the direction of planet 9 from the TCU and keep dictor bubbles up. I ordered the fleet to align away from planet 9 and to " Throw every bit of DPS you have at this TCU now". This system was crucial to get control of Molle was blockaded Liam was in Period Basis we had no help or backup it was on us to get it down. In came the Goon carriers "YES" our dictors caught them in the bubbles and out of rep range of the TCU as the TCU was getting into hull. I can only imagine the panic and disappointment Goons felt watching there TCU slowly drop to deep structure damage powerless to do anything to stop it as they were trapped in our dictors web of bubbles. I felt bad for them for a split second as im sure they were feeling there space and power slide out of there grasp. Then I came to my senses and we BBQ'd that TCU and warped off in a chorus of cheer.

We moved on with no waste to the next system with a onlining TCU. The process was as simple as warpin shoot align to something and go to the next as soon as the TCU died trying to preserve every second of time. We made it to our 3rd system after J-L and started to shoot the TCU. Molle exclaimed " We broke through and are in NOL but Goons just dropped caps on us to try to stop us can you get here?" . I told everyone to pull drones and put a scout ahead and we burned for NOL . As we reached PR- we found a Rebellion BS gang of about 30 trying to block us. They retreated into NOL and we followed. We jumped in and engaged killing some as they tried to escape and I ordered our scout " Get me a fucking warpin on those caps".

By the time we got on field and loaded grid there were only 10 or so caps left we proceeded to butcher them while Molle kept cynoing more and more dreads and titans to the field. We reposistioned once moving in close range to some Goon/Rebellion BS that came in as a last ditch effort to turn the tides. Killing them and the last caps dieing we warped out to the TCU being joined shortly after by the entire IT capital ans subcapital fleet burning the NOL TCU down with only a few minutes left for Downtime. We killed it with 5 minutes to spare and I decided to try to move towards 49-U to regroup after downtime. Sadly we only made it as far as 319 and the order was issued to dock up and wait for downtime to pass.

12:00 - 19:30

After downtime we quickly formed back up and moved down the pipe towards 49-U stopping otw in 2 systems to kill more TCU's The second one should be noted we killed with less than a minute before it finished onlining. Realizing that we couldnt kill anymore TCU's we moved people back who could get in dreads and recruited more new gang members as well. While this was going on Molle was working to kill J-L's 2nd TCU that Goons had ninja'd up and Sysk had killed the TPAR and 1 other TCU. We got capitals and BS moved to I1Y and proceeded to kill the IHUB and then go siege the station. I have to say that stations have a ridiculous amount of hitpoints and with only 20 dreads a few assorted carriers and 30-40 BS it took us a hour and a half to shoot the station all the way down to 0 structure. During this time freighters were moved in and we got a IHUB anchoring and onligning in I1Y.

PPN got the killing blow on the station in I1Y and got a station manager over to setup station timer revoke cloning contracts and rename it to a fitting name. I1Y Evil Thug Memorial FUCK YES I thought. We restronted dreads and then moved everyone to ED-L9T where this process was repeated in less time due to growing numbers but nevertheless still seemed like a eternity. As this was going on Molle was killing random Goons trying to escape with assets including a Jumpfreighter. Rebellion moved a 100 man BS gang to tpar along with 20 carriers to try to stop SysK from getting there TCU online. SysK's fleet was pretty small as Liam had told 200 of his pilots to log in D-G the night before. We were working to bridge them out with a AAA titan as they logged in but it was clear the Period Basis front would collapse if not bolstered. We were in siege in ED-L9T and werent able to move to help SysK so IT luckily had just came out of siege 1 capital jump away. Molle volunteered to jump his 200 capitals into TPAR to stave off the counter attack of Rebellion. Liam took 10 carrier losses and heavy subcapital losses protecting the TCU till IT was able to come in with the calvary and butcher Rebellions fleet making them flee.

At this point we finished ED and VVS had won the station but didnt have someone to take care of the station there so they turned the station over to Havoc. As a joke I renamed the station ED FIX HQ and this got some giggles. The best part of the whole day though was Evil Thug hoppin on Teamspeak to see what we had all been up to. It was reported to him that we with BOB and SYSK were burning Querious Delve and Period Basis to the ground. We also let him know we captured I1Y and named it in his honor. This was a moment of personal satisfaction and gratitude to all of you that we have been able to come alive and work so well together. Capturing that station and naming it in Thugs honor was one of the things I think I will be most proud of in Eve.

After ED was finished we moved onto H74 to kill the IHUB and then back to Catch to prepare for our CTA in D-G. I was tired and had been FCing for 26 hours straight at this point. I turned the fleet over to Nighthawk Virtuozzo and Xero and proceeded to stumble to my bed and fall fast asleep. I dont know the exact details of what happened in D-G but judging by the killboard we WTFPWND Proviblob and killed the IHUB.

I want to say thank you to everyone in this alliance who has gone out of there way to show up get in fleet and to never run out of desire to kill and burn everything we see. Special thanks go out to all the FC's scouts and logistic teams we have been moving at a hurried pace and you all make things so much easier. I cannot express enough the gratitude I have for you all.


  • Gość
Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #351 dnia: Styczeń 28, 2010, 11:34:12 »
Ależ to jest strategiczny odwrót, bo co innego mogą zrobić, walczyć o przegraną sprawę jak BoB a i tak zostać wykopanym? Przegrupują się i wrócą tu albo tam jak BoB, w końcu to gooni.
To że morale im spadło i się na forach dowartościowują to nie dziwne, w końcu właśnie doświadczają tego co sami odstawili Mollowi i spółce, sam ten fakt musi kłuć nieźle w zadek :)


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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #352 dnia: Styczeń 28, 2010, 11:39:04 »
Czytajac jednak "damage control" kolegow z GS i majac dostep do szpiegow w GS mam polewke z tego co tu czytam. No bo to nie jest jednak tak rozowo jak przedstawiaja to nam koledzy  ;D .
A jak jest? Podziel się z nami tą supertajną prawdą na temat państwa goonów, zamiast stosować demagogię typową dla niegdysiejszego boba — „wiem więcej niż wy, ale nie powiem”.


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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #353 dnia: Styczeń 28, 2010, 13:30:12 »
w końcu właśnie doświadczają tego co sami odstawili Mollowi i spółce, sam ten fakt musi kłuć nieźle w zadek :)

widze w tym jakas sprawiedliwosc dziejowa... rzuce cytatem z klasyka: "fate it seems, isn't without the sense of irony..."


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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #354 dnia: Styczeń 28, 2010, 14:07:04 »
eeee a tydzień temu Bruce zastanawiał się czy najechać Catch czy Foutain.....  :) , przecież liczby im się nie zmieniły ...

ogólnie to jestem okrutnie zawiedziony że GS, kiedy mogło pokazać co jest warte (Z ZA i Rebellion mają całkiem duże liczby do IT + AAA i SW), Zennith - 900, Rebellion - 1000, Goonswarm - 5300 po wywaleniu nieaktywnych, w sumie daje to 7200 kont w grze... więc sfieldowanie 500-600 osób i 100 capsów potrzebne do wygrania bitki , czy nawet 2 razy tyle od czasu do czasu nie powinno być problemem.

bobici pękli po prawie 5 miesiącach walk o Delve, koszmarnie nudnych i trudnych, z dużo większą przewagą przeciwnika. A tutaj prosze - nie da się griefować, trzeba pare miesięcy ciężko walczyć, GS odlatuje ::)

to jest fajne ;) (z caod)
PL - check
SOT - check
Goons - check
NC - next

Fixed IT.
« Ostatnia zmiana: Styczeń 28, 2010, 14:59:05 wysłana przez Scaryman »


  • Gość
Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #355 dnia: Styczeń 28, 2010, 18:18:07 »
W końcu jesteśmy ludźmi ;]. A co do wałków, to akurat z kasą sojuszową nie ma problemów, bo całą trzyma jedna zaufana osoba.

To bardzo rozsadne rozwiazanie. A jak chlopak wam wytnie walka ? A jak go zbanuja ? A jak bedzie mial wypadek w RL ? itp. itd. Juz nie wspominajac o tym, ze jedna osoba trzyma was za jajka. :D


  • Gość
Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #356 dnia: Styczeń 28, 2010, 18:29:33 »
Pytanie mam do was - czy są prowadzone działania przeciw GS i ska w rejoni ARZI ??? Starzy wyjadacze wiedzą o co chodzi.
Obecnie w tym rejonie operują niewielkie grupy ANZAC strzelajace do wszystkiego, czy planujecie tu pofatygowac i przypilnować ewakuacji GS tym kanałem ?? :)

A tak na marginesie, jak przeczytałe to info o utracie sov przez GS w Delve i tym jak tam wjechali na pełnej k!@!$ panowie z ex-bob to aż się usmiałem. Jak to fortuna kołem się toczy ... sprawiedliwosci dziejowej stało się zadość, metagaming sam sie ukarał ... ehh, aż łezka się w oku kręci... cała EvE, politka, zasoby i walka - prawdziwy kapitalizm w wydaniu mega korporacyjnym bez żadnych zasad i praw.


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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #357 dnia: Styczeń 28, 2010, 18:57:09 »
widze w tym jakas sprawiedliwosc dziejowa...

Nie sprawiedliwość tylko taki nowy event CCP, wprowadzili po cichaczu do gry element klątwy. Każdy sojusz co osiądzie w Delve padnie ofiarą spier&^$#* mechaniki gry :D


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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #358 dnia: Styczeń 28, 2010, 19:04:51 »
Każdy sojusz co osiądzie w Delve padnie ofiarą spier&^$#* mechaniki gry :D
Przecież sam Mittani przyznał, że to nie wina mechaniki tylko ich własna (no dobra, zwalił winę na Kartoona).


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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #359 dnia: Styczeń 29, 2010, 07:54:21 »
Pytanie mam do was - czy są prowadzone działania przeciw GS i ska w rejoni ARZI ??? Starzy wyjadacze wiedzą o co chodzi.
Obecnie w tym rejonie operują niewielkie grupy ANZAC strzelajace do wszystkiego, czy planujecie tu pofatygowac i przypilnować ewakuacji GS tym kanałem ?? :)

A tak na marginesie, jak przeczytałe to info o utracie sov przez GS w Delve i tym jak tam wjechali na pełnej k!@!$ panowie z ex-bob to aż się usmiałem. Jak to fortuna kołem się toczy ... sprawiedliwosci dziejowej stało się zadość, metagaming sam sie ukarał ... ehh, aż łezka się w oku kręci... cała EvE, politka, zasoby i walka - prawdziwy kapitalizm w wydaniu mega korporacyjnym bez żadnych zasad i praw.

Lubie jak ludzie zapominaja o pewnych elementach historii.


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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #360 dnia: Styczeń 29, 2010, 09:19:56 »
nie no bez jaj - tak duży i doświadczony organizm w grze jak GS i jego sojusznicy bez problemu ewakuuje 3/4 swoich assestów, no już nie róbmy jaj że jakaś kampa w lowsecu coś tu zmieni  :2funny:, goście walczyli o całe regiony 0.0 a teraz zakampienie paru lowseców miałoby mieć strategiczne znaczenie?

To tak jak z PL który gracze sobie wyobrażali że można "dokręcić śrube" i dobić... a tego sie po prostu nie da zrobić.

(w tle przypomniał mi się akurat pomysł na "pendulum wars" Mollego)


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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #361 dnia: Styczeń 29, 2010, 11:31:30 »
nie no bez jaj - tak duży i doświadczony organizm w grze jak GS i jego sojusznicy bez problemu ewakuuje 3/4 swoich assestów, no już nie róbmy jaj że jakaś kampa w lowsecu coś tu zmieni  :2funny:, goście walczyli o całe regiony 0.0 a teraz zakampienie paru lowseców miałoby mieć strategiczne znaczenie?

To tak jak z PL który gracze sobie wyobrażali że można "dokręcić śrube" i dobić... a tego sie po prostu nie da zrobić.

(w tle przypomniał mi się akurat pomysł na "pendulum wars" Mollego)

Zrzuci sie kilka carrierow i po kampie :3.


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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #362 dnia: Styczeń 29, 2010, 12:04:01 »
tak nie honorowo :(

Deaell Portt

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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #363 dnia: Styczeń 29, 2010, 12:05:02 »
No raczej nie wierze, zeby IT bylo takie bitter jak wy, zeby trzymac kampe na stacji przez klika tygodni 24h.
I ain't like you!
And I don't want your love.
And I don't need your respect.
I just can't hate enough

If you don't like it you can suck my dick


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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #364 dnia: Styczeń 29, 2010, 12:13:46 »
A ja bym się nie zakładał. Molle che zemsty ;)

W bitwie nie liczy się ten kto ma pierwsze słowo. Liczy się ten kto ma ostatnie.


  • Ancient Troll
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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #365 dnia: Styczeń 29, 2010, 12:50:38 »
tak nie honorowo :(

Kurcze no taka lajfa :(

Deaell Portt

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  • Korporacja: Pandemic Horde Inc.
  • Sojusz: Pandemic Horde
Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #366 dnia: Luty 01, 2010, 11:41:56 »
Peeptalk w wykonaniu Da-da-darius Johnson . Poniewaz trwa to 40+ minut przytocze najwazniejsze punky z tego morale boosta. Polecam jednak sciagniecie i posluchanie bo mozna sie posmiac.
- we dont want that region anyway - Delve i inne regiony wzieli bo tak wyszlo i generalnie to bylo do dupy.
- wiekszosc ppl w GS cieszy sie z utraty Delve.
- koniec z nudna obsluga zilionow industrialnego szasu.
- Kartton (czy jak on tam sie zwie) nie jest winny bo prostu byl na tygodniowej poslubnej wycieczce z jego nowa zona. Troche mnie dziwi, ze w takim ally, ktore reklamuje sie jako "fun ally" "chill ally" tylko on mial dostep do kasy GS.
- Darius stwierdza, ze to byl blad, ze prawa do walleta posiada tylko Karton.
- GS bylo zawsze ally niszczacym innym graczom statki, zabawe w EVE. Jest lepsze w niszczeniu niz w tworzeniu czegos. Zapowiadany powrot do korzeni i prosba o skladanie pomyslow. Zapowiada, ze jak pomysly beda dobre ally wylozy na to kase (co bylo smieszniejsze kilka minut pozniej, kiedy Ceo Darius mowi, ze narazie nie bedzie zwrotow za statki i inne rzeczy bo nie ma dostepu do kasy na wallecie i musza wszyscy czekac na kartona)
- prosba, zeby sie zglasali ludzie, ktory pomoga w ustaleniu finansowej sytuacji GS  :2funny:
- zmiast oliwic iskami moduly industrialne kasa bedzie bezposrednio plynela do ppl w GS.
- Pochwala, za udane akcje z wyrywaniem capsow, rzeczy memberow GS z Delve.
- jakis tam korp zamiast pomagac w flocie GS wyrywal swoje rzeczy na wlasna reke, korzystajac z okazji, ze przeciwnik byl zajety flota GS. Nie bedzie to tolerowane.
- przeprowadzka do Syndicate
- Evoke wypowiedzieli wojne GS. Oczywiscie sa oni "faggots" i generalnie nie ma czym sie przejmowac. Eu tz pomoze pokryc jakis tam ally.
- atak na cloud ring, ataki na posy z h-endami w low secach co by iski robic.
To jakas polowa tego ple-ple-plenarnego zebrania, ale nie chcialo mi sie juz dluzej tego sluchac.
Poza "pubbie" i innymi okresleniami standardowy peptalk, kazdego Ceo ktory musi oznajmic, ze robimy qtfo na z gory upatrzone sytuacje. Przypomnial mi sie peeptalk jak ISS robilo przeprowadzke do Sindi po stracie Eso.
I ain't like you!
And I don't want your love.
And I don't need your respect.
I just can't hate enough

If you don't like it you can suck my dick


  • Gość
Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #367 dnia: Luty 01, 2010, 12:22:21 »
Przed odsłuchaniem tego pliku na 50% myślałem że motyw z niezapłaconym rachunkiem jest zaplanowany, teraz jestem niemal pewny. GJ


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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #368 dnia: Luty 01, 2010, 13:17:10 »
Cytat: koleś zadający pytania
Gdy kartoon wróci i zapyta, co się dzieje, o czym powiemy mu najpierw — że atakujemy Cloud Ring czy że straciliśmy Delve?
Cytat: Darius JOHNSON przyciszonym i smutnym głosem
Prawdopodobnie o tym, że straciliśmy Delve.
Kapitalna scenka, szczególnie ten przybity głos Dariusa. :2funny:


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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #369 dnia: Luty 01, 2010, 14:15:15 »
Czyli tak naprawdę GS nie chciało Delve heh

Tak z ciekawości, te teksty Soulscreama typu "Delve is Goons" z wielkim bananem na twarzy, były w rzeczywistości wymuszone przez dowództwo a banan był udawany czy tak?


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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #370 dnia: Luty 01, 2010, 14:32:37 »
oto mamy książkowy przykład damage control t3 ;)
Jak masz się tu kogoś bać, to mnie...
buahahaha <- demoniczny śmiech


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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #371 dnia: Luty 01, 2010, 16:20:32 »
A ja dostalem warna, jak napisalem, ze niedlugo sie dowiemy ze GS SPECJALNIE stracil Delve :P


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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #372 dnia: Luty 01, 2010, 17:03:56 »
Nie za to co napisałeś, a za to jak :P
Jest pewna różnica :P


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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #373 dnia: Luty 01, 2010, 17:08:56 »
Czyli tak naprawdę GS nie chciało Delve heh

Tak z ciekawości, te teksty Soulscreama typu "Delve is Goons" z wielkim bananem na twarzy, były w rzeczywistości wymuszone przez dowództwo a banan był udawany czy tak?

Bardzo fajna masz stopke~~~~

Swoja droga zajecie Delve bylo celem od czasu kampy S-U, a przyokazji te wszystkie gimmicks byly trollem.


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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #374 dnia: Luty 01, 2010, 18:37:07 »
Delve is goons, anime is cartoons. Goon meme, best meme. :)


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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #375 dnia: Luty 03, 2010, 10:28:50 »

Dodges Black

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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #376 dnia: Luty 03, 2010, 12:37:42 »
Goon Alliance disbanded?


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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #378 dnia: Luty 03, 2010, 13:04:30 »
Nie pozostaje mi nic innego jak tylko ulżyć w smutku goonsom:


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Odp: Delve War III
« Odpowiedź #379 dnia: Luty 04, 2010, 15:20:50 »
Ten stary filmik nabiera nowego znaczenia (szczególnie końcówka:P ) :

"Sadly, honey bees are mysteriously vanishing in staggering numbers - a crisis known as Colony Collapse disorder - which is alarming considering honey bees are responsible for pollinating one-third of our natural food supply."