Eve Online > Inferno

Inferno 1.2

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--- Cytuj ---Dear Fansite operators,
EVE Online: Inferno 1.2 is waiting to be released on Wednesday, August 8, 2012. Are you interested in industry or PVP? Are you a new player or a veteran? This expansion will deliver good things to everyone! Here is a brief summary of the improvements and changes:
High end moon mineral changes and the introduction of the missing alchemy reactions (details are available here) will change income distribution and open new opportunities for adventurous industrialists.
The mining barge and exhumers revamp (details are available here) will give mining entrepreneur a much better choice of tools for the right business: sturdy defence, huge ore bay or maximum yield. The players have all the options now and that will lead to interesting game play situations.
The improved New Player Experience (details are available here) introduces new players to EVE in a more intuitive and helpful way while maintaining the typical EVE atmosphere of being a dangerous place where you constantly need to watch your back.
Following the long standing ship rebalancing program (details are available here) four frigates (Executioner, Condor, Atron and Slasher) receive an overhaul which allows for more exciting small scale PVP or massive frigate brawls. The Rookie ships have also received some overhaul so that new players can start to participate in useful game play right from the beginning.
“Small” things like
·         Enhanced fitting saving

·         Continued improvements to the Inventory window

·         Upgraded market search

·         Killmail notification and loot dropping from self-destructed ships

and many more will considerably improve the game play experience, check the full patch notes for all details!
The initiative to constantly improve the beautiful graphics of EVE Online continues with the introduction of new V3 shaders for the Angel pirate faction ships. Watch the new Angel pirate ships in their full beauty here!
We have even implemented player requests like a green-screen for the EVE Character Creator so that everyone can construct amazing portrait pictures (with photoshoped backgrounds)!
We hope that you will enjoy EVE Online: Inferno 1.2 and that this expansion sets you on fire again!
Useful links:
Patch notes
EVE Online forum discussion
Inferno feature page

Best regards,
The EVE Community team
--- Koniec cytatu ---

"We have even implemented player requests like a green-screen for the EVE Character Creator so that everyone can construct amazing portrait pictures (with photoshoped backgrounds)!"

To znaczy ze kazdy bedze mogl sobie do portretu w grze wstawic swoje wlasne tlo?

Podejrzewam że nawet jeśli tak to piorunem to ukrucą jak zobacza co bardziej kreatywne tła :p
Tak samo jak nigdy nie będą na tyle naćpani żeby dać graczom opcje malowania statków :P

Pol Kent:

--- Cytat: Doom w Sierpień 06, 2012, 11:37:44 ---Tak samo jak nigdy nie będą na tyle naćpani żeby dać graczom opcje malowania statków :P

--- Koniec cytatu ---
Twierdzisz, że wtedy lały by się watahy My Little Pony vs Hello Kitty? ;D ;D

Znaczy do niedawna wyżej bym postawi wszelkiej maści konstrukcje na hull'u thorax'a w jasnoróżowym kolorku :P
Ale to co podaleś to też niezły pretekst do koszmarów i suiside gangów pod tytułem "bo malowanie"


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