Panie i Panowie... plizz o pomoc
do poprzedniej wersji udawalo mi sie odpalac EVE na kompie pracowym stosujac maly "myk"
tworzylem obejscie i startowalem z utowrzonego bata gdzie mialem takie linijki
eve.exe /end /LUA:OFF /server:
i wszystko dzialalo
a teraz wprowadzili tego "pier..." launchera i wywala mi liste:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "launcher.py", line 36, in <module>
File "lib\initialization.pyc", line 128, in StartLauncher
File "lib\initialization.pyc", line 59, in InitInfo
File "lib\update.pyc", line 721, in GetUpdateServer
File "lib\update.pyc", line 748, in GetServerBuildNumber
File "lib\getServerStatusHack.pyc", line 53, in GetServerBuildnumber
File "lib\getServerStatusHack.pyc", line 11, in GetServerResp
File "socket.pyc", line 222, in meth
error: [Errno 10061] Nie można nawiązać połączenia, ponieważ komputer docelowy aktywnie go odmawia
Locals by frame, innermost last:
Frame <module> in launcher.py at line 47:
NoInternetError = <class 'lib.exceptions.NoInternetError'>
ServerUnreachableException = <class 'lib.exceptions.ServerUnreachableException'>
Shutdown = <function Shutdown at 0x024ABBB0>
StartLauncher = <function StartLauncher at 0x027C7730>
__builtins__ = <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>
__doc__ = '\n This is the entry point into the launcher, it handles setting up the working\n directory, logging and finally importing and starting the laucher within a\n log-proof try/exeception clause so we can catch almost any exception and display\n an error message.\n'
__name__ = '__main__'
__package__ = None
exc_plus = <function exc_plus at 0x023BB7F0>
lib = <module 'lib' from 'C:\vigo\vigo\test\EVE\launcher\library.zip\lib\__init__.pyc'>
localization = <module 'localization' from 'C:\vigo\vigo\test\EVE\launcher\library.zip\localization\__init__.pyc'>
os = <module 'os' from 'C:\vigo\vigo\test\EVE\launcher\library.zip\os.pyc'>
socket = <module 'socket' from 'C:\vigo\vigo\test\EVE\launcher\library.zip\socket.pyc'>
sys = <module 'sys' (built-in)>
wx = <module 'wx' from 'C:\vigo\vigo\test\EVE\launcher\library.zip\wx\__init__.pyc'>
zipextimporter = <module 'zipextimporter' from 'C:\vigo\vigo\test\EVE\launcher\library.zip\zipextimporter.pyc'>
Frame StartLauncher in lib\initialization.pyc at line 131:
app = <wx._core.App; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxPyApp *' at 0xf20de8> >
folder = u'C:\\vigo\\vigo\\test\\EVE'
Frame InitInfo in lib\initialization.pyc at line 59:
cacheDir = u'C:\\vigo\\vigo\\test\\EVE\\launcher\\cache'
folder = u'C:\\vigo\\vigo\\test\\EVE'
Frame GetUpdateServer in lib\update.pyc at line 721:
clientInfo = {'usescriptindexfiles': '1', 'appname': 'EVE', 'region': 'ccp', 'socketio': 'iocp', 'sync': '349998', 'server': '', 'edition': 'premium', 'version': '7.30', 'role': 'client', 'build': '349998', 'branch': '//depot/games/branches/release/EVE-TRANQUILITY/eve', 'aid': '0', 'codename': 'EVE-EVE-TRANQUILITY', 'port': '26000', 'cryptopack': 'CryptoAPI'}
folder = u'C:\\vigo\\vigo\\test\\EVE'
server = ''
Frame GetServerBuildNumber in lib\update.pyc at line 748:
address = ''
Frame GetServerBuildnumber in lib\getServerStatusHack.pyc at line 53:
ip = ''
Frame GetServerResp in lib\getServerStatusHack.pyc at line 16:
ip = ''
s = <socket._socketobject object at 0x02920928>
Frame meth in socket.pyc at line 222:
args = (('', 26000),)
name = 'connect'
self = <socket._socketobject object at 0x02920928>
Z tego co rozumiem to launcher sie nie uruchamia,
moze ktos podpowie jak zmodyfikowac "bata" by udawalo sie odpalic gre.